
Vodien Announces The Launch Of IPv6 Cloud Hosting Plans

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Vodien, one of the top web hosting providers in Singapore,since 2002, announced today that they’ve completed the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 hosting. The news comes just a few days after Vodien recently released it’s new colocation offering.

There are a number of benefits associated IPv4 to IPv6 hostingtransition. For one, IPv6 is considered to be subject to more efficient routing. This has been made possible because IPv6 reduces the size of the routing tables, allowing the entire routing process to be much more efficient and hierarchical.

IPv6 is also known for its highly advanced packet processing. The packet header associated with IPv6 is much simpler and routing devices are able to process it much more easily and efficiently. IPv6 has also been known to support multicast as opposed to broadcast. The great thing about multicast is that it allows routing to be performed via bandwidth-intensive packet flows to multiple sources during a single pass. Configuring an IPv6 network is also much easier as opposed to its older IPv4 system. Since Vodien has always striven to provide its customers with the latest technology and the best service, shifting to IPv6 did not surprise anyone in the industry.

One of the most prominent issues plaguing the web hosting industry is that of the provision of adequate security measures. These days, there are numerous methods through which hackers can take down an entire website or hack into it in order to gain access to important, sensitive data, such as customers’ personal information. IPv6 attempts to improve security by incorporating IPsec technology. This allows packets to be subjected to confidentiality, authentication as well as data integrity security protocols. Till date, IPsec is considered to be one of the most secure aspects of IPv6.

Lastly, has also been able to provide a number of additional features with its transition from IPv4 to IPv6. For instance, Vodien’s Cloud Hosting plans are equipped with IPv6 dual-stacked with IPv4. This means that regardless of whether they are using IPv4 or IPv6, users can now employ their internet service to access their websites and email.

About Vodien:
Vodien Internet Solutions was founded in 2002, then known as Vodien Studios. The brainchild of founder Bill Poh, Vodien started off providing quality web design and web development services, and slowly evolved into the Singapore web hosting specialist that it is today. For more information, visit: .

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