
Top 4 development trends in cloud of which every developer should be aware of

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development trends in cloud

“The only constant is change” saying perfectly defines the trends in developer community. With the rise in user expectations, the developers need to keep up with the pace and develop more engaging and intuitive experiences.

In its fourth edition of developer trends in the cloud, DigitalOcean surveyed around 5,000 respondents globally for their opinions on developer technologies, and latest hiring trends in software development.

Here are the top 4 development trends in cloud that every developer and hiring manager should be aware of:

1. Containers are becoming popular

Around half (49%) of the respondents use containers, regardless of the company size (except the companies with 1-5 employees). Of these, 60% are using containers for production, while 40% are using containers for testing and development.

Of the companies who are not using containers, 78% were expecting to adopt them in future.

The most cited benefit of containers is scalability. Developers find containers useful to simplify and accelerate software testing, and to avoid issues related to vendor lock-in.

benefits of software containers

Most frequently used languages for software containers—

  • JavaScript (57%)
  • Python (46%)
  • PHP (36%)
  • Go (28%)
  • Java (27%)

Most used platforms for container orchestration—

  • Kubernetes (42%)
  • Docker Swarm (35%)
  • Red Hat OpenShift (5%)
  • Apache Mesos (3%)
  • Marathon (2%)

2. Serverless computing adoption still in a much earlier stage

According to the report, developers are completely split on their knowledge of serverless computing. Half of the respondents said that they didn’t have a strong understanding of serverless.

The developers cited monitoring and debugging as the biggest challenges of serverless computing. The other significant challenges were dependence on third-party provider, and complex migration processes.

benefits of serverless computing

Developers said that serverless computing help them reduce costs related to server provisioning, spend more time working on and improving applications, deploy software in lesser time, and decrease software complexity.

serverless computing

Most used serverless platforms—

  • AWS Lambda (58%)
  • Google Cloud Functions (23%)
  • Microsoft Azure Functions (10%)
  • Apache/IBM OpenWhisk (2%)
  • OpenFaaS (2%)

3. Developers want opportunity for growth and development in their jobs

Most of the developers leave their jobs or existing roles because of the lack of growth opportunities (49%), poor management (47%), and inefficient technologies used in company (31%).

Developers are looking for salary and growth opportunities in their new jobs, closely followed by culture.

Further, 34% of the companies said that they struggle to retain IT talent because of the competing job opportunities in the market. Companies which succeeds in retaining talent listed the workplace culture as key reason of success.

4. Traditional college degree programs don’t leave developers feeling adequately prepared

DigitalOcean found that the respondents who attended coding bootcamps (61%) felt more prepared for a software engineering position as compared to the ones graduating from traditional college programs (36%).

35% of the women and 26% of men in development agreed that bootcamps allow them to enter the coding workforce more quickly.

Also read: Why IT leaders aren’t committed to DevSecOps?


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