
Increasing Interest in Talent Acquisition for Cybersecurity and 5 Tips to Hunt One

4 Mins read

Cybersecurity has begun to gain more traction with COVID. The reason for that is the increased number of cyber threats aimed at both personal and business networks, whose severity could penetrate even the most advanced protection measures.

While standard cybersecurity measures do provide certain protection levels, they cannot always predict and block viruses from attacking your system. For that reason, companies started chasing cybersecurity specialists with keen eyes and unique skill sets capable of beating even the most sophisticated AI.

However, higher demand for cybersecurity talents resulted in a talent shortage, as well as the fact that organizations don’t manage to maintain a specialist they hired in the first place.

If you’re struggling with finding the right fit for your company, it’s time to make some radical changes in your hiring policy. In this article, we’ll lead you through the 5 best ways to attract and maintain cybersecurity talents in your company.

1. Find Someone Who Cares About the Digital World Security

Believe it or not, some cybersecurity specialists take a well-paid job at the company only to take up desk space and do nothing. In addition, there were cases where hackers pretended to be top-rated cybersecurity specialists to get into an organization and steal passwords, sensitive login credentials, and essential business data.

The truth is that you can never know what to expect from a newly hired employee, which is why it’s vital to employ basic cybersecurity measures before letting anyone take care of your systems. One of the best ways to protect your sensitive accounts from unauthorized access is to install and configure a password manager – a tool that helps you generate unbreakable passwords and enables you to share them safely and securely. In addition, it’s an inexpensive tool you can use to auto-fill and manage your passwords, taking your security to new heights.

Don’t forget to safeguard your systems before hiring a cybersecurity specialist. Once you build trust with them, you can let them manage your cybersecurity and implement effective measures that ensure the long-term stability and security of your systems and data.

2. Change Your Hiring Strategy

Cybersecurity specialists love to feel wanted. Therefore, no one will fall for a simple, we are looking for a cybersecurity specialist ad. Most of them feel attracted by a compelling job offer, in which the employer uses non-binary and non-gender-biased language. Remember that if someone feels excluded from your ad, your company may become known for its bad reputation.

By inviting all people that meet the job requirements to send their CVs and cover letters, you’re widening your options and increasing opportunities to find the right fit for your company’s mission. Diversity and inclusion play a vital role in the contemporary era as different individuals provide new, fresh perspectives that help organizations look at the problem from a different angle and find more viable solutions.

So, don’t limit your search to male cybersecurity specialists only. It’s a common misconception that young girls aren’t good at technology, and it’s time to prove them wrong. Widen your horizons, and new opportunities will arise!

3. Test Someone’s Willingness to Learn

Skills, knowledge, and willingness to learn are sometimes more important than world-class certificates and prestigious university degrees. The digital world is an ever-changing space that requires never-ending learning and readiness to keep pace with the change. If your cybersecurity specialist is not willing to do that, they might not be your soulmate.

Cybersecurity specialists, and anyone working in the digital environment, must be dedicated, lifetime learners. If they don’t express willingness to learn and bring innovative solutions to strengthen your systems, don’t let their university degrees fool you – they’re simply not ready to keep pace with your company’s development.

Another thing to keep in mind is a candidate’s skill set, not their title. In some instances, a data scientist can be as good as native security staff, and network engineers can do a great job around the IT environment and culture.

4. Provide On-the-Job Training

If you find someone with a personality that matches your company’s vibes and culture but lacks some technical skills, make sure to provide on-the-job training and give them the opportunity to become a part of your organization. Suppose your company doesn’t have in-house resources to train a new employee. In that case, you can rely on courses provided by third-party organizations that specialize in cybersecurity, software engineering, cloud, and IT.

By offering employee training, you’re giving candidates a chance to upgrade their skills and acquire knowledge in emerging cybersecurity fields. That way, you’re more likely to build a long-standing relationship with your cybersecurity specialists and ensure your company is up to date with the latest innovations in the digital field.

5. Ensure Your Candidates Match Your Culture

Besides the knowledge and skills needed for the job, an ideal employee must match your company’s cybersecurity culture. Most organizations are looking for a passionate problem-solver who’s not afraid of challenges – and if your organization is one of them, don’t hesitate to ask the following questions during the interview:

  • What are you passionate about in cybersecurity?
  • Describe your problem-solving process?
  • How do you stay ahead of cyber threats?

However, if you’re expecting your candidate to share their point of view, be prepared to talk about your company’s mission and cybersecurity concerns. Remember that cybersecurity and IT specialists won’t be willing to work with a company without clear goals and missions in mind – therefore, get yourself ready for the interview, as well!


Talent hunting is already hard enough, and don’t expect it to get easier because it won’t. Investment in cybersecurity keeps rising, and if your organization is still (unsuccessfully) looking for cybersecurity talent, it’s time to rethink your hiring strategy and approach candidates differently.

Don’t forget that your network safety is one of the most critical components of your business, and you don’t want it to become targeted by the most sophisticated cyber threats. The time is now, not tomorrow – enhance your strategy and start hunting those talents!

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