
Microsoft to soon include Azure in FastTrack

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Microsoft recently made an announcement that its FastTrack program will cover its leading cloud offering – Azure, from 1st August 2017.

Microsoft’s FastTrack program was introduced to help customers and partners easily adopt and get accustomed to its services like Office 365, Enterprise Mobility + Security, Windows 10 and Dynamics 365.

FastTrack helps speed up customer transition to cloud and provide partners with new opportunities to provide value added services. For that, It provides a pool of resources, tools, a team of engineers and experts who work with the partners to help them guide customers in migration and system set-ups.

With the expansion of FastTrack to cover Azure, customers will get direct assistance from Microsoft and its partners to build and manage their cloud environments. Initially, the service will only cover Development and Test environment, disaster recovery, backup and LOB (Line of Business) applications.

Microsoft engineers will work along with the partners to help them provide complete support from setup, configuration, development to production of Azure environments to the end customers. The decision can boost the adoption rate and migration to cloud environments, as now the organizations will get complete support to their cloud journey including envisioning, onboarding and driving value.

Improved Cloud migration and onboarding will speed up production deployments triggering digital transformation and will bring new opportunities for customers.

Now, with cloud reaching maturity level, such moves are a clear indicator that Microsoft is moving ahead in its objective to improve cloud experience of the organizations by supporting them in their cloud journey and to help them stay relevant to the market.

Azure preview on FastTrack will be initially available in the US, Canada, and Australia, and the firm plans to expand its reach based on the customers’ feedback.

See the full article here.

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