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Google makes commercial Kubernetes apps available through its marketplace

1 Mins read

Google has announced that it will now offer production-ready commercial Kubernetes apps right from Google Cloud Platform Marketplace (formerly Cloud Launcher).

The search-engine giant developed Kubernetes to automate the management of applications in containers. But the users still need to do a lot of manual work while deploying apps on a Kubernetes cluster. It consumes time.

The GCP Marketplace will address this challenge and help users easily find pre-packaged apps, which can be deployed directly onto the Kubernetes clusters. These clusters can be running on Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes Engine, on-premises, or other public clouds.

“We are on a mission to make containers accessible to everyone, especially the enterprise,” wrote Anil Dhawan, Product Manager, Google Cloud Platform, in a blog post.

“Enjoy click-to-deploy to Kubernetes Engine, or deploy them to other Kubernetes clusters off-GCP. Now, deploying from Kubernetes Engine is even easier, with a Marketplace window directly in the Kubernetes Engine console.”

Google will test all the Kubernetes apps that are listed on its marketplace, to scan the vulnerabilities. It will verify the authorship of the apps by checking partner agreements for maintenance and support.

Furthermore, Google is also looking to collaborate with open-source Special Interest Groups (SIGs) for creating standards for Kubernetes apps. It is aimed to bring the knowledge of open-source community to enterprises.

Enterprises can now deploy Kubernetes apps across hybrid environments. What this means is that these apps can be deployed not only on Kubernetes clusters running on cloud, but also the ones running on-premises.

The hybrid environment support will allow enterprises to use cloud for development and then move the workloads to production environment.

Also read: Google enables Site Isolation in Chrome to mitigate malicious attacks like Spectre

the commercial Kubernetes apps in GCP Marketplace will support usage-based billing depending on many parameters like API calls, number of hosts, and storage per month.

All the usage charges for apps will be consolidated and billed via GCP.  It will simplify the license usage and provide customers more consumption options.

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