
GoDaddy Purchases Sucuri to Provide Advanced Digital Security

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GoDaddy Inc, the leading provider of cloud to small and independent businesses, made an announcement to acquire security firm Sucuri, a leading name in the website security services. The move is aimed at providing advanced digital security solutions to the customers. While Sucuri will carry-on its regular business operations, GoDaddy plans to extend its security products to its customers. The financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Sucuri is well known for its various disclosures about previously unknown WordPress threats and vulnerabilities including a WordPress REST API Endpoint bug exposed in January by one its researchers. Its research analysis also revealed malicious credit-card scraping code which were injected into many e-commerce modules.

Its robust threat response capability can be highly valuable for GoDaddy’s customers.

Sucuri, apart from malware scrubbing and virtual vulnerability patching, provides a WordPress security plug-in. GoDaddy has been extensively building its WordPress portfolio. Its recent acquisition of ManageWP in September and Pro-ManageWP in December is part of its Pro Program.

Sucuri’s product offerings include a web-application firewall (WAF); a content distribution network (CDN) to manage traffic and provide optimal performance; an intrusion prevention system; a cloud-based backup system; DDoS mitigation; and continuous monitoring.

Combining Sucuri with GoDaddy’s scale will advance digital security for our customers by making it effortless, timely and affordable. We’ll continue to invest in Sucuri and jointly develop products that propel security solutions forward – Kevin Doerr, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Security, GoDaddy

Talking about the company’s goal, Sucuri’s Founder Daniel Cid said, “Since our inception we have always had a single goal of protecting our customers’ websites. We achieve this with two very simple approaches: build things that deliver value and that stay ahead of emerging threats. We now have the opportunity to take this same philosophy from a few hundred thousand sites to millions of sites. From our conversations with GoDaddy it became clear that we share the same customer-first philosophy and commitment to helping customers be secure online.”

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