
Go Daddy Launches Cloud Based “4GH” Web Hosting

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godaddy, web hosting, hosting, 4GH hosting, cloud computing, cloud hostingGo Daddy, the web hosting provider, announced on Wednesday its 4th Generation Web hosting (4GH). 4GH, set up in a cloud environment, provides scalability, security, performance and value as compared to traditional shared hosting.

As per the press release, the new architecture consists of multiple Web hosting servers networked together that removes the limitations of shared hosting environment. It explains that under the shared hosting model, many customer websites are housed on a single server. If a Web server experiences issues, it affects everyone on that server and cause problems like website slowness or loading issues for everyone else hosted on that server.

The 4GH model host website on a cloud supported by several servers with load balancing, if a server goes down, another server quickly takes its place, without customers experiencing a disruption in service. If a website receives a bunch of traffic, resources are shifted and the other websites still operate normally.

“4GH was created to help our customers succeed,” said Go Daddy CEO and Founder Bob Parsons. “For example, a customer would be mentioned on Oprah or CNN and suddenly their web server had more traffic than it was designed to handle. We’d quickly move them to a dedicated server to protect them, along with our other shared hosting customers. It was like an epiphany – we needed a new platform that could react immediately. You could say, with 4GH our customers who suddenly find themselves in the limelight won’t miss their ’15 minutes of fame.'”

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The company also mentioned that it was in the “cloud” before the term was coined, but 4GH is the next level of cloud services. With 4GH, if more servers are needed, the cluster can quickly expand, providing plenty of power for all Web hosting customers. Customers using Go Daddy’s 4GH with proprietary Dynamic Traffic Management, Dynamic Defense Management and Dynamic Server Management are receiving a near-enterprise level service for a small monthly fee.

To learn more about Go Daddy Products, including 4GH and email marketing, please visit

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