The Department of Information Technology, Government of Uttar Pradesh, on 2oth Nov 2020, had organised an industry consultation to discuss the draft UP Data Centre Policy under the chairmanship of Infrastructure and Industrial Development Commissioner (IIDC) GoUP, along with Additional Chief Secretary (ACS)– Dept. IT & Electronics, GoUP. NASSCOM participated in the meeting and shared its view on the proposals. The meeting, apart from industry leaders, saw participation from MeitY.
We welcome the initiative by the Dept of IT, Uttar Pradesh to come up with Data Centre Policy for Uttar Pradesh and appreciate the consultation process that has been initiated to finalise the policy. Given the unprecedented pace in which data is being created, stored and used in the country, we believe it’s the right time to come up with policies and initiatives to incentivise, enable and facilitate creation of Data Infrastructure in India.
In this context, the Govt of India, has already released a draft Data Centre Policy for consultation. We strongly believe that the efforts by the State to adopt its own policy will help attain the objectives set out in the draft Data Centre Policy of GOI and also help create a favourable environment for the growth of the sector in the State.
We thank the Govt of Uttar Pradesh for having considered NASSCOM recommendations to MeitY on Data Centres, in the formulation of draft policy.
While we note that the draft addresses the major challenges faced by entities during the establishment and operation of Data Centre and offers incentives to attract new investment in the sector, we will offer our written feedback for consideration and inclusion in the policy.
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