
These are 4 ways that the cloud has impacted businesses

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cloud technology

Since the start of the industrial revolution until the emergence of the smartphone, society has maintained an impressive rate of development. One of the newer technologies in this area is the cloud. The cloud is a hive of servers that can constantly be connected to users through the use of the internet. This technology has had a severe impact on how businesses operate nowadays.

In this article, we will explain in what ways businesses have changed due to cloud technology.

More hosting options

The first way in which cloud technology has affected businesses is by providing them with more hosting options. Hosting is a way of providing server space for the websites of, for example, a local business. With cloud hosting, it is now possible to host your website on a cloud. This means that you will also be able to access this server anywhere on the go. The same goes for your website visitors. Additionally, cloud hosting is a lot better security-wise due to better measures against cyberattacks being implemented.

No need for heavy laptops

The second way in which cloud technology has had an impact on businesses is that there is no longer a need for heavy laptops. Many businesses always purchased heavy laptops due to, for example, consultants needing a lot of memory for all their client files. However, due to cloud technology, this is no longer an issue. Nowadays, you can simply buy cloud storage space. All you need is a laptop with an internet connection to connect to all your data, which means businessmen are now able to travel with lighter laptops.

The days of an office are gone

Fewer and fewer people are showing up to the office these days. While this has mainly been attributed to the global pandemic, the biggest factor that made this possible is the cloud. A lot of cloud computing software has made it possible to seamlessly work from home (WFH) while maintaining your productivity. This means that employees have a lot more flexibility and WFH also cuts down on the costs that businesses make for renting office space.

Lower IT costs and more reliable technology

The last way in which cloud technology has changed the business world is that IT costs are lower. This is because the technology is a lot more efficient, lowering the costs needed to maintain the quality that businesses desire. Furthermore, cloud technology is a lot more reliable. This means that businesses are a lot more stable in their services, increasing the quality that they can offer regarding the work provided.

It is safe to say that cloud technologies have transformed the business world in many positive ways. What do you think will be the next technology to have such a large impact on businesses?

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