
Platform Markets Group announces a new focus on investment on data center digital and energy infrastructure in Africa

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Platform Markets Group has announced the launch of Platform Africa, a new data center, digital, and energy infrastructure forum in Marrakech, on 21 June 2023.

Created and developed by people with a reputation for trust in delivering premium events with a high quality of service ethic, the Platform series of events offers a new and unique annual destination for investors, buyers, sellers, and customers across the digital infrastructure fabric with the open opportunity to network, transact and invest.

As investment in digital and sustainable energy infrastructure is forecast to grow exponentially over the next five years, Platform Africa presents a premium annual marketplace for investors and the emerging and developed players across the continent,” commented Gregory Gerot, managing director. “We are very excited to host this high-end transactional meeting. Welcome to the wonderful host city of Marrakech.”

Key participants will include PE, Alt, pension funds, banks, financiers, and other institutional investors with the strategic and financial leadership of pan-African, regional, and country data centers, colocation, and cloud players, hyperscale platforms, companies investing in connected digital infrastructure, government agencies owning or promoting digital super parks and regions, energy investors, cooling solutions for data centers, cable landing stations, site selection specialists, real estate advisors, law firms and professional intermediaries.

I’m delighted to be involved in this exciting initiative,” commented Nicola Hayes, non-executive director of Platform. “The Africa digital infrastructure market is open with tremendous opportunity. This timely event will bring together a completely new network of players, investors and customers.”

Hosted at the Es Saadi Resort in Marrakech, the venue is located a short drive from the international airport.

Registration is now open offering a selection of tickets.

Marrakech is an exciting city with an extensive range of hotels, cafés, and restaurants for unobtrusive meetings.

DHN is the official media partner of the event. Follow us on @twitter or sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on the event.

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