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NASSCOM Insights Newsletter-Oct 2021

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The latest in technology thought leadership and insights from NASSCOM

Latest Research

NASSCOM Return to Workplace Survey – Evolving Towards Hybrid Operating Model
NASSCOM conducted a series of surveys to assess the return to workplace preparedness, sentiment, and expectations at the employee as well as the employer end. Through primary research and interactions with stakeholders, insights were gathered to identify how the Future of Work in India is shaping up. The report further analyzes the evolution towards hybrid operating model in tech industry in India, its outlook. The report looks also provides a framework for identifying the right hybrid model for organizations as presented in this insights compendium…
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Pioneers of Indian Engineering R&D
Through this “Pioneers of Indian Engineering R&D” compendium, we celebrate and present India’s successes in the Engineering R&D space. This compendium contains highly impactful and noteworthy stories of “Next-Gen”, “Engineered in India”, “Social Impact Products”, “Service Delivery Excellence”, and “Best in Class ER&D Organizations”. The success stories outlined are a testimony to Indian ER&D’s ingenuity, innovativeness, agility, scalability, and collaboration of its constituents…
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India Technology Services Compensation Benchmarking Survey Findings: 2021
Need for Digital Acceleration coupled with emergence of an unprecedented market-wide demand for capabilities in niche technologies has driven up the pressure on effective Talent Strategy & Management practices…
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THE CHRO Handbook for SME
The year 2020 had been a topsy turvy one. We entered 2021 with a fundamentally altered view of work and society. The workplace as we know it, is being rapidly reshaped by multiple game-changing trends which are having a significant impact on business growth and access to skilled talent with HR at the epicenter. Leaders are listening to their employees more than ever and need to demonstrate empathy, inclusiveness, and responsiveness on a daily basis. Leveraging the insights that emerge, it has never been more vital to weave together the technology and human agendas…
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ADVANTAGE INDIA: Gateway to Global Engineering R&D and Innovation
This report, “Advantage India: Gateway to Global Engineering R&D and Innovation,” is a testimony to the achievements and value propositions of the Indian Engineering R&D ecosystem that has led to India becoming a destination of choice for Engineering R&D. The report highlights stories of innovation, talent excellence , service delivery excellence, resilience from the Indian Engineering R&D players…
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TECH BYTES – Monthly Tech Industry Bulletin – October 2021
This monthly industry bulletin is our endeavor to aggregate and feature on a regular basis, key trends and insights shaping the technology sector. The information covered here is collated from publicly available sources and gives a bird’s eye view of what has happened in the technology sector during a particular month. The report will focus on a theme for the month, Leadertalks and Industry Facts…
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Research Writes


Changing Focus and Business Models in Enterprise Software Market
Changing Merger & Acquisitions Landscape among Start-ups
Indian Unicorns Growth Compared to the World
Future of Global Capability Centers (GCCs) in India – The Winning Leap
Collaborative R&D through Super Innovation Clusters
Preparing for the Dynamic Mobility Engineering Disruption
VLSI – uses and importance in the semiconductor industry
Semiconductors – the lifeblood of all the digital products
EdTech: A Technology-Enabled Learning Transformation
Talent Shortage Driving the Push for Rate Increases from Services Providers
Strong Demand Continues to Drive Growth in 2QFY22, Margins Start Feeling the Pressure
Its raining deals for the global IT Industry – The ISG Deal Activity Snapshot 3Q21

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