Dear all,
As you are aware, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) introduced transformative reforms for the Other Service Providers (OSPs) through issuance of new OSP guidelines last year on November 5, 2020 (available here). These guidelines were further liberalized by DoT by issuance of revised OSP guidelines earlier in the month of June (available here) to simplify the OSP regime. For instance, the revised guidelines have removed distinction between the international and domestic OSPs and have made it easier for companies to have common infrastructure for both operations.
Additionally, several other business friendly measures such as non-applicability of OSP guidelines on non-voice-based entities doing away with restrictions around interconnectivity of OSPs belonging to different entities, easier infrastructure access etc, were also introduced by the Govt towards ease of doing business.
Given the significance of the guidelines, NASSCOM is now rolling out a survey to get industry feedback to understand the impact of these reforms on the businesses. The findings of the survey will be shared with Govt. Please note the response to the survey will not be attributed to a single company, instead, will be presented to the Govt as an aggregate of the industry position.
The link to the survey is given below and it will remain open for participation till October 20, 2021
Survey link:
For any query / support, kindly write to
We look forward to your participation.