
New Linux OS for small businesses and individuals with just one hosting account

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linux OS

Website and Server Performance Optimization

Businesses that operate online demand the flexibility of dedicated server space for managing applications without the financial outlays of owning a physical server. Hosting companies offer VPS to satisfy this market, enabling businesses a virtual machine with an operating system that they can configure according to their needs.

One issue with VPS is that businesses need websites to operate sufficiently fast enough to attract and engage visitors. The performance will be dependent upon the host company infrastructure and throughput and the other collocated VPS. Careful research of hosting companies, looking at advertised and achieved performance, service level agreement terms and reputation is necessary to avoid costly mistakes.

Achieving reliable website operation with no downtime requires technical know-how to administer and maintain software applications. Most businesses do not have access to in-house professional Linux administrators for websites built on the LAMP stack; Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Making the switch from shared hosting to VPS when a business reaches the critical size to necessitate this move can be daunting. Where previously the hosting company configured the systems that allowed the website to operate, now the business must manage these processes themselves.

CloudLinux OS Solo Operating System

This is why CloudLinux has developed its Solo Operating System, providing businesses with a fully supported and stable OS that is simple to administer and tune for optimal performance. Targeted as a low-cost WordPress optimized Linux OS for small businesses with one hosting account, it incorporates a range of features needed for growing businesses that include website reliability, performance, and SEO enhancement. The simple and straightforward UI provides a clear user flow, making website management more efficient. The OS is also fully compatible with popular applications, including cPanel, WordPress and other popular tools.

The CloudLinux OS Solo has been developed to efficiently monitor managed servers with enhanced scalability and flexibility. This offers end-users a better experience and offers hosting companies market differentiators and process efficiencies. OS Solo offers high-quality hosting services that provide the framework for online business owners to expand their business operations smoothly and seamlessly.

Features include a toolset that analyses the causes of slow sites and the automatic installation and configuration of the software necessary for the required performance. One key feature is PHP X-Ray to help improve website responsiveness beyond optimization. Other features allow the detection of server performance bottlenecks and plugin issues. The OS also comes with a high degree of automatization, improving process efficiencies and reducing risks associated with manual operations. This reduces the typical number of configuration and operation issues such as PHP and HTTP errors with correspondingly fewer support tickets being raised, lowering support overheads. This new product is a key feature in its Website Monitoring functions, ensuring websites operate with optimal performance.

Security Enhancement

The number one concern for website operators is security and the implications of incidents to business continuity, reputation, and potential financial damages. The challenge is making systems safe and keeping them secure over time as new threats emerge, and vulnerabilities are discovered. OS Solo offers out-of-the-box safety and security with no risk as a key solution differentiator for end-users and hosting companies. Published vulnerabilities are analyzed, and patches rolled out automatically for live systems with no reboot necessary.

Next Phase Features

Planned future product developments include a new dashboard offering simplicity and usability driven UI, an enhanced notification system for alert management and an external monitoring capability. The toolset is also planned to include a WordPress optimization suite with features such as pre-installed caching with automated WordPress caching plugin installation that helps optimize SEO and increase traffic.


The CloudLinux OS Solo has been developed for businesses using VPS and the hosting providers offering these services, delivering customer value and upsell opportunities. The goal is to provide a trusted Linux OS that reduces administrative burdens from users, allowing them to focus on their core business. OS Solo is available now absolutely for free as a Beta version, allowing early adopters to share their experiences and learn from Linux experts about best practices in a shared community for Beta testers. Sign up now and see just how great this new approach to VPS OS is and realize the benefits for your business. Commercial launch is coming soon in the third quarter of 2021.

Follow the CloudLinux website to learn more about CloudLinux OS Solo features. The software available for free installation during the whole beta period, so you can test it on your server and check all bottlenecks that slow down the performance.

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Author Bio:
CloudLinux is on a mission to continually increase security, stability and availability of Linux servers and devices. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, CloudLinux Inc. develops a hardened Linux distribution, Linux kernel live security patching, extended support options for Linux, and web server security software used by enterprises, service providers, governments and universities all over the world.

CloudLinux has more than 4,000 customers and partners, more than 500,000 product installations globally, and dedicated analysts and developers that together have more than 450 years' worth of Linux experience along with a passion for delivering the best customer care.

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