
Jelastic implements Pay-as-You-Go approach for LiteSpeed licensing

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Jelastic, multi-cloud PaaS company, launched a wider choice of pay-as-you-go license types for LiteSpeed web server and load balancer, as well as implemented advanced automation for issuing the licenses within the cloud platform.

Pay-as-you-go model lets the system charge only containers that are up and running, there is no need to pay when servers are stopped and not in use. In addition, the license lifecycle management is fully automated. New licenses are issued for every newly-created container during environment provisioning or horizontal scaling, as well as updated while changing available resource limits within each container. Also, the decommission of licenses is performed while stopping the environment or scaling in. All license parameters are automatically adjusted based on the actions performed with the LiteSpeed containers, as well as their state at a particular hour.

Support of multiple new license plans is provided starting with the 5.9.3 release of Jelastic PaaS. It is achieved with the License Manager add-on that is now pre-installed in the LiteSpeed containers.

This add-on allows license configuration based on the following parameters:

  • Workers – the number of workers, which indicates how many processes will be spawned to do general server work
  • Domains – the domains limit (this only applies to top-level domains), any domain that exceeds the specified limit will result in a 403 error
  • LiteMage – fast, full page caching solution that caches dynamic pages as static files. This option is additionally charged based on the selected type.

LiteSpeed Web ADC license price is calculated dynamically based on the network traffic processed by the node. LiteSpeed Web Server license type is selected based on the RAM available after the node creation.

“Nowadays, only Jelastic provides such advanced license management for LiteSpeed servers by giving full automation combined with a pay-as-you-go model. This made LiteSpeed cloud hosting even easier and more cost-effective,” said Ruslan Synytsky, CEO and co-founder of Jelastic.

“Jelastic is a great channel partner that empowers LiteSpeed technologies with the next-level automation. Our cooperation ensures simplicity and efficiency combined with enterprise-level performance for PHP applications deployed across a wide network of hosting service providers worldwide,” said George Wang, President at LiteSpeed Technologies Inc.

Cutting-edge features help LiteSpeed-powered workloads handle traffic spikes without impacting performance. LiteSpeed hosting provides admins with a set of powerful security features, to keep clients data safe and protected. Jelastic PaaS empowered this technology with automated scalability, easy management and flexible pricing approach in order to meet the needs of the projects with high or variable loads.

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