
What help is available when using PCB software?

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PCB software

The changes that have been made in PCB software has been significant in recent years.  This has made the once competent, trained designers question their ability to use some of the recent software to its full capability.  If the end user does not use the software to its maximum, then they could be making life a lot more difficult for themselves as a lot of the updates are around making life easier for the end user.

There are many different options to get help which include some of the following:

Face to Face Training

Even the best PCB designers in the world may require some face to face training from time to time in order to refresh their knowledge of the software package.  It is far too easy for individuals to get caught up in their niche and way of working and as a result not then use the full capability of the technology.

Face to face sessions can be set up with the correct level of notice and demand of people to attend.  It is probably very much recommended that if you have individuals who have not used the specific PCB design software you have in your company before that this is the most effective way of getting real training.  This way, you are able to hear it face to face from the experts and ask whatever questions you have to them.

Video Library

There may be some occasions that a video library can play an important role in training people.  If there has been say one specific update to the software and this requires to be communicated, the video library could be a really effective way of releasing this information to the users. Here, the end user can watch this as many times as they want and pause at key areas if they are wanting to follow through the step by step guidance in real terms.  If the outcome of the video library is that there are further queries or clarification points, this can always be followed up by contacting the company directly or even posting in one of the forums.


Companies will run live webinars from time to time where you can hear the guidance and training from the company experts.  These webinars are normally free to attend and something that can be not only attended by the owners of the best product but by the people within the company who would maybe benefit from attending this.

You will normally find that the best PCB layout software companies like Altium will make changes to their software packages quite frequently and because of that, they will then need to run these webinars. This may seem like a drain, but the reason they are updating the software is usually due to the voice of the customer and certain innovations are included.

Make sure to get the help you need when you are using the PCB software.

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Guest Author: Zoe Price 

Zoe Price is a young, aspiring writer and computer science graduate who spends as much of her free time as possible on the web. When she's not writing, she's reading. She's always trying to learn and digest new information so that she can stay on top of whatever stories she wishes to write about.

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