
Liquid XML Studio 2012 To Support DITA

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[DAILYHOSTNEWS], May 23, 2012, Liquid Technologies Ltd, an independent software provider located in the UK, have reported that they definitely will be supporting the OASIS XML Catalogue standard. This will make it possible to making use of the Liquid XML Studio package along with OASIS specifications that make use of XML Catalogues most notably DITA and DocBooks. These kinds of upgrades will be in Liquid XML Studio 2012 Service Pack 1, due for release in May 2012.

For the very first time, Liquid Studio is going to provide support for the OASIS DITA and DocBook, XML data model for authoring as well as publishing, enabling validation, Intellisense, schema validation and auto complete support for DITA and DocBook documents.

DITA, which is an acronym for Darwin Information Typing Architecture, is actually an xml dependent open standard, which was originally designed by IBM and was consequently donated to OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) for deeper development and release to the public.

Standards like DITA assist to promote data integration and accessibility and also are great programs for authoring, producing and delivering technical information such as online help guides, which is why DITA has acquired widespread adoption in the technical documentation world, in firms such as Cisco, IBM, Nokia and Oracle, to name but a few.

With the most recent version Of Liquid XML Studio shortly to support the DITA standard, there will be even more inducement for technical writers to migrate and make use of Liquid XML Studio to edit and author their DITA files in a totally compliant and user friendly environment.

Liquid XML Studio has actually been referred to as an XML toolkit and IDE, including all of the tools needed for building and developing XML applications, this includes an XML Editor, XML Schema Editor, WSDL Editor, Web Service Tools and so on.

The new 2012 edition includes a large number of extra features and enhancements as well as general operation as well as stability developments. Liquid XML Studio 2012 expands and elevates on the pre-existing features by adding other brand new tools and technologies which customers have called for as a way to continue to make Liquid XML Studio the very best value XML development environment on the market, which makes it a truly multi function xml toolkit

Examples of these additional features include a new xml datamapper, Silverlight 5 code generation and Liquid runtime, improved WSDL 2.0 validation, an improved Large File Editor, Liquid Runtime support for Linux gcc 4.3.3 32bit C – and quite a few additional additional features and additionally enhancements.

XML Studio 2012 was officially launched on 26th April 2012. For more details visit


Liquid Technologies Ltd, provides world-leading productivity applications for XML software programmers conforming to the W3C standards. Their main product, Liquid XML Studio 2011, is an cutting-edge XML Development Environment and XML toolkit including an XML Editor, that contains all the tools needed for designing and developing XML schema and XML applications. For more details visit

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