
SKGOLD Hosting Launches Partnership With CloudFlare

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DAILYHOSTNEWS, December 12, 2011 –  SKGOLD Hosting has announced that Canada’s premier web hosting company has entered into a partnership with CloudFlare, the company that provides cloud-based hosting services for web users and website administrators. The new relationship is expected to improve website performance and security.

In addition to the added protections and enhanced operation, CloudFlare tools will enable users to check on traffic to their websites and track outbound links. According to Sergey Krongold, CEO at SKGOLD Hosting Canada, “Our customers are going to enjoy an entirely new level of function with CloudFlare. Their websites will load more quickly, and attacks by the bad guys won’t be a problem any longer. The list of CloudFlare’s basic features is amazing.”

CloudFlare works with the computing community to identify and eliminate malicious threats to websites. The concept of CloudFlare’s “firewall in the cloud” is fairly simple to understand: all web traffic is routed through the company’s globally distributed network and only the good visitors get through the security system. By turning away unwanted traffic and optimizing website delivery, customers see their websites working more effectively; what’s more, the level of spam in customers’ email boxes is dramatically reduced.

There is no cost associated with the CloudFlare service that is integrated into all of SKGOLD’s web hosting plans. Mr. Krongold explains that SKGOLD Hosting is always looking for tools to improve their customers’ experience online. “Our customers can set up the CloudFlare system quickly and easily. If you know how to use a computer, you can do it in about three minutes. To enable CloudFlare protection for any hosted website, our customers simply need to visit webhosting control panel and click on CloudFlare icon.”

About SKGOLD Hosting
SKGOLD Hosting is a Calgary-based Canadian Web Hosting company. Founded in 2003, the company is a division of SKGOLD Marketing Ltd., which provides Internet marketing services such as web hosting, web design and SEO (search engine optimization) for individuals and businesses.

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