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RightScale Launches ‘CloudSight’ and ‘Expert Advisor’ Cloud Consulting Services

1 Mins read

Enterprise multi-cloud management provider RightScale today launched  RightScale CloudSight and Expert Advisor, two consulting services that’ll help enterprise customers develop and implement cloud strategies.

Designed to help enterprises quickly move along the cloud learning curve and realize greater benefits from the cloud, RightScale CloudSight will provide companies with professional consulting and will help them define a cloud roadmap, assess their application portfolio, design cloud architectures and build implementation plans.

The details of the assessment modules of RightScale CloudSight as listed on the company website are:


  • How does cloud fit into my corporate strategy and business needs?
  • What does cloud success look like?
  • How do I measure it?

Portfolio Assessment

  • Which applications are best for the cloud?
  • How do I map opportunities against requirements?
  • How do I prioritize?

Architecture and Plan

  • Which clouds are best for my applications?
  • What are the architectural decisions to consider?
  • How do I migrate?

The RightScale Expert Advisor program will have RightScale experts  inspecting to existing RightScale implementations to ensure cloud best practices. Clients will get contextual findings and actionable recommendations for running cloud deployments at peak efficiency, saving costs, adapting variable traffic, and preparing for small- or large-scale cloud outages.


  • Resource organization and visibility
  • Performance monitoring
  • Over- or under-utilization
  • Unused and misconfigured servers and volumes

High Availability and Disaster Recovery

  • Single points of failure
  • Resiliency to outages
  • Backup policies
  • Alert triggers
  • Auto-scaling design

Cost Optimization

  • Optimally-sized servers
  • Best purchase options
  • Unused resources

Change Management

  • Version control of configurations
  • Latest updates for RightLink, OS, and core application packages
  • Contact your RightScale account manager for more information on the Expert Advisor service.

RightScale’s services offering includes an enterprise cloud roadmap designed to reduce risk, speed time to market, and manage costs using tools such as; Application assessment; Detailed project plans, architecture requirements, and diagrams; and advice on various private, public and hybrid clouds.

“As the complexity around cloud adoption grows, larger enterprises require partners that have the expertise to successfully align cloud strategies with business objectives,” said Daniel Moore, Vice president of services, RightScale.

“We are launching RightScale CloudSight and Expert Advisor in response to increased demand for our help driving strategic cloud initiatives that leverage a portfolio of public and private clouds,” he added.

Here is more information on RightScale’s  Cloud Consulting Services.

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