
Postman announces growing adoption for API Development tools

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Postman, the only complete API development environment, today announced that adoption of its award-winning API tool has reached nearly six million developers and more than 200,000 companies worldwide.

Combined with the highest awareness among API developers, as measured by the company’s 2019 brand recognition survey, and key solution enhancements in 2018, this growth demonstrates Postman’s leadership in delivering a flexible, elegant tool for building connected software that supports developers across the entire API development lifecycle.

In addition, Postman released the results of its new API Developer Brand Recognition survey. The survey was conducted by Dimensional Research and included developers who spend at least 10 percent of their time working with APIs.  According to survey findings, the Postman brand came to mind first as offering API tools, platforms and/or solutions for 26 percent of respondents, outpacing companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and IBM, as well as all direct competitors where Postman also recorded an aided awareness of 82 percent.

In 2018, Postman expanded the functionality of its app to address developer needs for more flexibility and customizability, keeping pace with the increasing demands of API development. It launched several key product enhancements in 2018:

  • Postman Workspaces delivers increased collaboration for both individuals and teams, and further upgrades allow private workspaces for enterprise users, helping to streamline project management for all Postman users while adding a level of security and confidentiality to team projects.
  • Postman Enterprise is built upon the rich features of Postman Pro, including Workspaces, that make organizing and managing multiple API development teams simple and secure in a plan specifically designed to address the additional security and support needs of enterprise customers.
  • Postman 6.2 introduced a new Team Plan for free users as well as an innovative Sessions capability which allows teams to work more effectively through the addition of session-specific collection, environment and global variables. Session variables stay local, allowing developers to work comfortably with sensitive information.

Postman also released a new Templates feature in 2018 that allows API developers to create and share their code with anyone and most recently announced support for importing OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. These updates provide developers with more choices across formats and integrate Postman even more seamlessly into the API development workflow.

“We’re living in an API-first world, and the pressure to increase development velocity while simultaneously improving release quality is higher than ever,” said Abhinav Asthana, Postman’s co-founder and CEO.

“Postman delivers that combination, and has grown successfully in 2018 ― reaching  new user milestones, and  also doubling our workforce to further the momentum. When a blue-chip company enters the market naming us as the standard, we know we’re on the right path, and we plan to continue leading the way.”

Rounding out the year’s accomplishments, Postman was a 2018 CODiE finalist for Best API Management Platform and named Best API Tool by StackShare. It also hosted the inaugural Postman conference, 2018 POST/CON in San Francisco, a sold-out gathering of API publishers, developers and experts that featured learnings, tutorials and industry perspectives.

Also read: Postman adds support for OpenAPI 3.0

The new brand recognition survey also reported that 62 percent of developers use Postman. Additionally, 59 percent are likely to recommend Postman, positioning the app as the most used API dev environment, and the most likely to be recommended.

The Postman app includes all the features that support the API development lifecycle end-to-end ― from design and mock to debug, automated test, document, monitor, and publish. It is free at the individual and small-team usage levels. Postman offers paid plans to meet higher usage and enterprise functionality and security requirements.

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