
Common Cyber Security Attacks and Their Prevention

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cyber attacks

Cyber security attacks are actions designed to steal, change, or destroy data in any computer or element of a computerized information system. The attacks can be made by an individual or a group of people from any location using different tactics, techniques, and procedures. Cybercriminals identify weaknesses of a computer system and exploit them to further their attacks. Below are different types of cyber-attacks and ways on how to prevent them.


Ransomware is a cyber-attack where cybercriminal locks and encrypts data in a victim’s computer and demands a certain amount of money to unlock and decrypt the data. Ransomware attacks like cryptolocker attack systems through emails, file sharing, and unprotected downloads can evade antivirus software and firewalls. Ransomware can be prevented by endpoint protection that gives next-generation antivirus and backing up data using an external hard drive. Use email protection software, network defenses, and patch management.


Phishing is a cyber-attack where cyber criminals pretend to be trusted entities and send messages manipulating the computer users to install malicious files, click harmful links, or divulge sensitive credentials like account credentials. Some of these attacks are punishable by law as they are illegal. You can visit law offices like The Law Offices of Gallner and Pattermann, PC if you decide to take legal action, especially when critical information and data are lost. To avoid phishing, one must stick to HTTPS Webpages, email authentication, avoid pop-ups, and use anti-phishing extensions.


Malware is malicious software made to gain unauthorized access to information, leak private information, and deprive users of access by disrupting a computer network or server by injecting the computer with a software bug through emails and the internet. If your computer gets slow, you lose access to your files, your browser settings change, or your antivirus software stops working, this could be an indication that your computer has a software bug. You can remove malware by downloading an excellent cyber security program and regularly scanning your device using the program.

SQL injection

SQL injection is a malicious code that attacks computer databases, specifically using SQL statements causing it to execute unwanted and undesired invalid queries. These injections alter and delete, steal credentials, and help cyber criminals to access databases and other sensitive systems. SQL injections can be prevented by ensuring database queries should be written as prepared statements with parameterized queries. Use a web application firewall and escape user-supplied input.

DoS and DDoS attacks

Denial of service (DoS) is a cyber-attack that overwhelms system resources, preventing them from service requests, while distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks the system resources from many host machines infected with malicious software controlled by the cyber-criminal. These attacks mainly involve business competitors. It is impossible to avoid all attacks; hence, one can only work on minimizing the attack’s damage through preemptive measures, test running the DoS attacks, and post-attack response.

To ensure that you stay aware of cyber-attacks, devise approach to detect advanced threats not detected by the antivirus software and firewall. Integrate zero trust solutions to wrap cyber security around the user and devices.

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