
25+ SEO Mistakes Ruining Your Website (And How To Fix Them)

1 Mins read

Besides getting the domain name right, picking a user-friendly website building platform and choosing a quality web host, SEO is one of the other essential factors that aid in growing your online business. As an internet marketing technique, implementing the best SEO practices on your website, with the help of SEO experts, helps to not only improve your ranking but also aids in increasing the organic traffic. It also makes it easier for your target audience to find you online and makes it simpler for search engine robots to index your website.

Thus, with all these benefits that SEO provide, one needs to ensure the implementation is done right. However, newbie marketers often end up making silly SEO mistakes that can ruin their website. One of the reasons for this is because of the many on-page and off-page SEO factors that are available. This makes it harder to determine which SEO techniques are important and which are redundant. SEO is an evolving technique and if you are not aware of the latest changes, then you are bound to make SEO mistakes.

As such, in order to ensure that this doesn’t happen, here is a list of SEO mistakes you can check out. The below infographic covers 25+ SEO mistakes that are hurting your site’s ranking and traffic. Fixing them post-haste is important if you want to avoid high bounce rate or worse yet a penalty from Google.

The benefits you can garner from SEO are many. But, it is not possible to obtain them if the SEO factors are not implemented in the right way. Thus, take a look at the SEO mistakes’ infographic and get started with correcting your errors. By doing this, you’ll slowly but steadily see improvement in the performance of your website. Also, check out this guide to know how to fix these SEO mistakes effectively.

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website- An Infographic by the team at Hosting Clues

Sudhir Bhushan is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about latest trends on Social Media & SEO. You may also follow him on Twitter 


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