
OPEN-XCHANGE SUMMIT 2012 – November 15,2012

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OX Summit 2012 (OXS12) serves as a perfect summit connecting hosting, telecoms, and other SaaS providers from around the world. The Open-Xchange Summit is the personal platform for sponsors, technology partners and  software vendors to come together and understand the opportunity space Open-Xchange platform represents for all whom provide services in the cloud. Via the Summit’s Tech-Xchanges, attendees will learn just how easy it is to implement an Open-Xchange solution and how working together is an integral part of that solution.

What all will be there at OXS12

·  Product Showcase: To tell how easy it is to implement an Open-Xchange solution and how working together is an integral part of that solution.

·   Special Keynotes and Talks:  Best practices, solution strategies and product insights will be shared either by Main    forum keynotes and mini-workshops informal panel talks , or as informal panel talks.

·  Sponsor Exhibition Area: Opportunity to have a word directly with the makers of the Cloud market .

Date : November 15, 2012.

Venue:  Die alte Münze – Berlin, Germany.

Agenda :  The whole summit will flow as follows:

Time                                                      Speaker                                                 Topic

08:30 – 09:30                                             –                                                            Registration & Berlin Breakfast

09:30 – 09:45                                         C. Latterell                                            Welcome to the summit

09:45 – 10:30                                          R.Laguna                                               Keynote by Open-Xchange CEO

10:30 – 11:00                                          Guest                                                       Guest keynote

11:00 – 12:00                                          Sponsors                                               Sponsor lighting-talks

12:00 – 12:30                                          –                                                                 Exhibition Stroll & Coffee

12:30 – 13:30                                           –                                                                 Lunch

13:30 – 14:00                                          Prod.Mktg.                                             OX-Products & Strategy 2013

14:00 – 14:30                                          Panel                                                        Gold-Sponsors + Guest / Moderator

14:30 – 14:45                                          –                                                                  special event

14:45 – 15:15                                           –                                                                  Exhibition Stroll & Coffee

15:15 – 17:20                                          (parallel sessions)                                Business & Tech-Xchanges

17:20 – 17:50                                         –                                                                   Exhibition Stroll & Coffee

17:50 – 18:35                                          R.Laguna                                                 Closing ceremony

18:35 – 20:15                                           –                                                                  Berlin-Bar & Eats

20:15 – 00:15                                           –                                                                 (Party)Special event

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